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Libraries and Dependencies

Libraries and Dependencies

The Ignition Ewon® Connector comes pre-bundled with all of its required libraries and dependencies. When developing, these libraries will automatically be downloaded and managed by the Maven build system.

Adding Libraries and Dependencies

As required, you can include additional libraries or dependencies using the Maven build system. To include a new library or dependency, add a new <dependency></dependency> block in the <dependencies></dependencies> section of your pom.xml. For example,

Additional libraries or dependencies must support Java 11, and shall not conflict with Ignition, the Ignition Ewon® Connector, or its libraries and dependencies.

Current Libraries and Dependencies

The following libraries and dependencies are currently included in the Ignition Ewon® Connector:

Apache HttpClient5Apache License 2.0
Google GsonApache License 2.0
OpenCSVApache License 2.0