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Change Log

Version 2.0.0

This version of the module is a near-complete rewrite to bring new features, improved performance, and support for the latest SDKs.

Major Changes

  • Updated to Java 11 and Ignition 8.1 SDK
  • Ewon metadata (i.e., tag names, descriptions, data types) is now updated on module startup, and at a configurable interval.
    • After module startup, the Ewon metadata is updated in the background at the configured interval.
    • Ewon metadata is now retrieved from the Ewon device directly, using M2Web API requests, instead of relying on the DataMailbox API.
  • Added support for buffered tag writes to Ewon devices (i.e., write multiple tags in a single request)
  • Added support for Ewon tag groups to organize tags in Ignition
  • Implemented asynchronous Talk2M/M2Web API requests to improve performance

Minor Changes

  • Improved documentation
  • Improved logging output
  • Implemented stateful authentication for Talk2M/M2Web API requests to reduce connection overhead
  • Resolved a long-standing issue with pre-tag realtime properties being lost

Version 1.2.1

Major Changes

  • Tag provider name customization was removed to ensure consistent and stable connector functionality
    • Fixed an issue that caused the per-tag realtime override option to be missing

Minor Changes

  • Updated GSON dependency version

Version 1.2.0

Major Changes

  • Updated to Ignition 8.1.1 SDK
  • Fixed an issue that caused the AllRealtime tag value to be lost
  • Fixed an issue that caused tag deletion to become disabled
  • Update to HTTP POST requests for DataMailbox and M2Web APIs
  • Update to new Talk2M token authentication for DataMailbox API

Minor Changes

  • Clarify files to download for releases
  • Updated the settings page to automatically restart the connector when applying changes

Version 1.1.12

Major Changes

  • Ewon tag descriptions are now synced to Ignition tag documentation and tooltip

Minor Changes

  • None

Version 1.1.11

Major Changes

  • Fixed an issue that caused realtime update errors on tags with underscores

Minor Changes

  • None

Version 1.1.10

Major Changes

  • Tags are now highlighted and returned to original value if a write fails
  • Applicable tags are now marked as stale when realtime updating fails

Minor Changes

  • Added option to disable strict checking for allowed tag name characters
  • Updated user-friendly logging output
  • Fixed an issue with realtime tag provider shutdown
  • Fixed an issue with realtime poll rate value validation

Version 1.1.9

Major Changes

  • Module now listed in the Ignition Showcase

Minor Changes

  • Ewon tag names are verified for compatibility with Ignition
  • Module ID has changed
  • Bugfix: The connector no longer faults when initially installed and no credentials are entered

Version 1.1.8

Major Changes

  • Realtime values are now available on a per Ewon basis

Minor Changes

  • Created new readme
  • Updated Configuration Webpage
  • SecurityFix: Removed user credentials from Ignition log files

Version 1.1.7

Major Changes

  • None

Minor Changes

  • Bugfix: Enabled writing to boolean tags on the eWON
  • Bugfix: Fixed precision loss when reading large number via realtime
  • Bugfix: Correctly handle reading an empty string via realtime

Version 1.1.6

Major Changes

  • Module is now signed

Minor Changes

  • Realtime string tags can handle " character
  • Module gracefully handles tags that dont exist on the ewon but exist in datamailbox

Version 1.1.5

Major Changes

  • None

Minor Changes

  • Included in release
  • Removed logging of "Updating Live Values"
  • Updated license for module

Version 1.1.4

Major Changes

  • None

Minor Changes

  • Tags can now be removed and created again without restarting the module
  • Logging of "Updating Live Values" level changed to "Trace"

Version 1.1.3

Major Changes

  • Realtime reads from the Flexy
  • Ignition to Flexy writes
  • Support for tag deletion
  • Configuration parameters are now URL friendly
  • Support for String tag values

Minor Changes

  • Support for periods in tag names