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Synchronize Ewon Flexy Tag Data to Ignition's Tag Historian

  • Historical data via the Ewon DataMailbox API (default)
  • Realtime (live) data via the Ewon M2Web API
  • Flexible configuration options
    • Enable realtime updates for all tags, per-Ewon, or per-tag
    • Enable organization of tags into folders by their tag group(s)
    • Combine realtime tag data with historical data (if present in DataMailbox)
    • Configurable historical and realtime update rates (up to 1 minute for historical, 1 second for realtime)

Write Tag Data to Ewon Flexy Tags

  • Tag data can be written to Ewon Flexy tags via the Ewon M2Web API
  • No additional configuration required
  • Configurable write buffering for improved performance

Simple, Scalable Configuration

  • Configuration is done via a simple, user-friendly web interface
  • One connector and configuration for all Ewon Flexy devices
The Ignition Ewon® Connector supports one (1) Talk2M account at a time. Any number of Ewon Flexy devices may be used with the connector, but they must all be registered to the same Talk2M account.

Take Advantage of Ignition's Powerful Features

  • With Ewon Flexy tag data in Ignition, you can take advantage of Ignition's powerful features
    • Alarming
    • Reporting
    • Scripting
    • Perspective
    • And more!