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Ignition Ewon® Connector

Synchronize Ewon Flexy data to Ignition's Tag Historian using the Ignition Ewon® Connector Module.

Harness the power of your industrial machines

The Ewon Flexy is able to perform data acquisition with the following protocols: Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, Uni-Telway, EtherNet/IP, DF1, FINS TCP, FINS Hostlink, ISO TCP, PPI, MPI, Profibus, Mitsubishi FX, Hitachi EH, ASCII.

Easy cloud connection to Ignition

You can connect your Flexy to Ignition using DataMailbox historical data or live, realtime data through the M2Web API. Simply configure your Talk2M account and you're ready to go!

Leverage the power of the Ignition Ewon® Connector to gain productivity insights

With your machine data connected via the Ignition Ewon® Connector, you can now make use of the vast collection of features and modules to gain productivity insights, control your factory floor, and much more!